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WeChat For Nokia Asha and S40

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Some APIs may only be used only after being given access right. At PHONEKY, you will find many other apps and games of different genres, from Education and Entertainment to the Security and Navigation Java apps.

Consult Appendix 5 if an error due to an invalid signature occurs. The biggest advantage is the screen size you are working with. Quotes 240x400, Whatsapp Funny Images 320x240, Electric Photo Shock 360x640 Symbian, Funny Face Uglify 320x240, Waterfall Wallpapers 320x240, Ocean Life Fish Wallpapers 360x640, Nature Wallpapers 240x400, What Is Love?

WeChat For Nokia Asha and S40 - Our download manager manages the download of AppKiwi and distributes the original unmodified software obtained directly from AppKiwi's.

Through the WeChat JS-SDK, web developers can easily use native mobile features, including taking photos, selecting images, recording voice and reporting location, from within WeChat. Developers can also provide WeChat users with a better web-based user experience by directly tapping into WeChat-specific features such as sharing, QR code scanning, coupons and payments. This document describes how to use the WeChat JS-SDK and contains relevant precautions for web developers. Step 3: Authenticate via the config API All pages using this JS SDK must be set up with configuration information, otherwise they cannot be called. A web page with a static URL only needs to inject the configuration information once. However, a single page application SPA that dynamically changes its URL must inject updated configuration information each time the URL changes. At the current time, HTML5 pushState is not supported when injecting configuration information in the WeChat Android client. This issue will be corrected in Android version 6. Return values of all APIs called will be shown on the client. To view the sent parameters, open the log view of developer tools on a computer browser. The parameter information can only be printed when viewed from a computer. See Appendix 2 for the list of all JS APIs } ; Step 4: Process the Successful Verification via the ready API wx. As config is an asynchronous operation, all relevant API calling must be put in the callback function if it needs to be called while the page loads. A user-initiated API call can be called directly without needing to be put in the callback function. } ; Step 5: Process the Failed Verification via the error API wx. If authentication failure is due to an expired signature, the detailed error information can be viewed by enabling the debugging mode within config API, or via the returned res parameter. The signature can be updated here for the SPA. } ; Notes for Using These APIs All APIs are called through the wx object or jWeixin object. Parameters are placed in a variable of an JSON object type. All of the above functions are called with parameters placed in the object. In addition to data returned by specific to each API, there is a general parameter errMsg for all APIs. See Appendix 2 for the list of all JS APIs. Sharing APIs Important: Please note that offering rewards to users for sharing content is strictly prohibited. If your account is found in violation of this policy, your API access may be permanently revoked. It is null by default. } } ; Previewing Images wx. Developers can download images to their own servers via the WeChat multimedia API. Please refer to Calls to the multimedia file download API are currently limited to 10,000 calls per day. Note: Only Available For Chinese Account At This Point Download Images wx. Developers can download voice recordings to their own servers via the WeChat multimedia API. Calls to the multimedia file download API are currently limited to 10,000 calls per day. Download Voice Recording wx. It is the maximum value by default. See Appendix 3 for a list of all menu items. } ; Display Menu Items Within Sub-Menus wx. See Appendix 3 for a list of all menu items. } ; Hide All Non-basic Menu Items wx. The scanning result is directly returned if it is 1. See Appendix 4 for details. Note that all parameter names should be in lowercase. Apply SHA1 encryption on string1, adopting the original values of field name and field value without escaping the URL. Consult Appendix 5 if an error due to an invalid signature occurs. Appendix 2: List of All JS APIs V1. It includes the following fields: Parameter Required Description code No A code specific to the instance of the coupon, which can be received only once. It is imported after being generated by the Vendor. For the specific signature scheme, see the following description. It is imported after being generated by the Vendor in compliance with specifications. Common errors and solutions are as follows: Invalid url domain The domain name of the current page is not bound to the used appid. One appid can be bound to three valid domain names. For generating a dynamic url, refer to the implementation code in PHP in the instance code. If a static html page transfers the URL from the client to the server for signature via AJAX, the client side needs to use JavaScript to obtain the URL of the current page excluding the URL fragment identifier ' ' part code example: location. Once the page is shared, the WeChat client will add other parameters to the end of the URL. If the current URL is not dynamically obtained, signature of the shared page will fail. The permission value is offline verifying This error is caused because the config step was not successfully completed, or the called JSAPI is not imported into the jsApiList parameter of config. It is recommended to check in the following order: 1. Check whether config is correctly executed. Permission denied The Official Account has no rights to use this API. Some APIs may only be used only after being given access right. An Android user has cancelled sharing on Moments, but a sharing success message is still returned. The WeChat Team is aware of this problem and it will be fixed in Android V6. Sharing fails on both iOS and Android systems. Check whether the Official Account has been verified. Only verified Official Accounts have the rights to relevant sharing APIs. For verified Official Accounts, check whether the relevant share-listening APIs are triggered in the callback passed to the wx. Please download the latest version from the WeChat website. Please be sure to cache the token and ticket to reduce redundant server requests, as this will avert a frequency cap and also speeds up your services. A frequency cap of 10,000 calls is currently provided to facilitate testing, and services will not be available once this limit is reached. Otherwise, services will not be available once the frequency cap is triggered. The API for uploading images is occasionally blocked in some Android versions. This problem exists in Android V6. Please download the latest version from the official website. How do you upload multiple images using uploadImage? Images can only be uploaded one-at-a-time currently. To upload multiple images, call this API again after uploading the prior image. HttpGet in the sample code fails to support HTTPS. This problem was addressed on January 11, 2015. For the demo downloaded earlier than that day, please download the latest sample code. The upload API sets no limitation on the size of upload resources. Compression support has been added to Android V6. Locally selected images fail to be previewed. No extra support is required because the chooseImage API supports preview. Invalid signature is displayed when jumping from URL a to URL b. The URL used for generating the signature on the background is the current URL using JS-SDK, that is, URL b. Remember that the URL used for background signature must be the complete URL of the current page using JS-SDK excluding the URL fragment identifier ' ' part. Are extra steps necessary for compatibility with earlier WeChat versions? JS-SDK is compatible with earlier versions, without requiring the developer to take additional steps. Note that some APIs newly introduced since V6. This error is caused because the imported config parameter is incomplete. Make sure that appId, timestamp, nonceStr, signature, and jsApiList are correctly included. How do you download the multimedia resources uploaded to WeChat through the JS API to the developer's server? Please see the remarks about uploadVoice and uploadImage in this document. The serverId that is uploaded through other devices can be successfully downloaded but fails to be played in Android. This problem has been confirmed by WeChat Team and will be fixed in v6. Is the JS SDK available for subdomains whose parent domain has finished the binding? Yes, it is fully available for the correct subdomains after their parent domain has finished the binding. A page opened via Scan QR Code in the WeChat Android client is closed after calling the scanQRCode API with scanning result returns directly. This problem has been confirmed by the WeChat Team and will be fixed in Android V6. External images outside WeChat Admin platform can not be shown on v6. This problem has been confirmed by the WeChat Team and will be fixed in v6. Multimedia resources uploaded from Android to WeChat server through JS-API SDK may have noises on the third-party server after being downloaded. This is a known issue that will be fixed. The JS APIs related to images and voices can only download the resources uploaded through JS API, but cannot download the resources uploaded through the multimedia background API. This problem has been confirmed by WeChat team and will be fixed. This problem has been confirmed by WeChat team and will be fixed. Developers can download the amr-filetype version to their own servers via the WeChat multimedia API. Configuration will fail if developer uses the pushState feature of HTML5. This is not yet supported in the WeChat Android client and will be fixed in Android V6.

WeChat 5.0 New Features and Total Tutorial
See Appendix 2 for the resistance of all JS APIs. The API for uploading images is occasionally blocked in some Android versions. To download and install click here:. Select your operating system and sit back and relax. It has successfully maintained a consistency of the design that does not baffle the people. The WeChat Sol is aware of this problem and it will be fixed in Android V6. This is not yet supported in the WeChat Wechat java apps client and will be fixed in Android V6. WeChat is a voice, video, photo and text chat app. But in order to piece this feature, you need to purchase certain credit. No extra support is required because the chooseImage API supports preview.

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Elsker de gr?nne lunde

elsker de grønne

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I dette forår er det igen den danske natur, der får os til at nynne med på „Oh store Gud. « Man kunne kalde det næsten bespotteligt at bruge så stærke ord og tolke så stærke følelser til et stykke land, der dog kun er en ydre ting, og sådan vil nok mange tænke. Et par år senere komponerede Albert Møller den nuværende melodi.

Han var vokset op i egnen ved Nødebo og Esrum Sø. Formålet med denne støtte er indirekte og historisk — den tidligere støtte er blevet kapitaliseret, hvorved jordpriserne er hævet betydeligt. Det spirer, vintergækker, erantisser, krokuser, tulipaner, påskeliljer og pinseliljer myldrer op af jorden. Jeg elsker de grønne lunde Tekst: Johannes Helms, 1873 Melodi: Albert Møller, omkring 1876 Jeg elsker de grønne lunde med tonernes vuggende fald, jeg elsker de blanke sunde med sejlernes tusindtal.

elsker de grønne - Mads Lidegaard er forfatter til en række artikler om danske sange, der vil blive bragt i løbet af sommeren i Kristeligt Dagblad. Gennem århundreder har danske forfattere, politikere og kulturpersonligheder prist deres fædreland lunde portrætbøger, erindringsbøger og essaysamlinger.

En pris til det danske forår. For første gang i 13 år oplever min kone og jeg et dansk forår. Mens vi boede i Grønland havde vi ikke mulighed for at være i Danmark i marts-april-maj og var derfor afskåret fra at opleve, hvordan livet vender tilbage i naturen i Danmark. Vi var heldige et par gange at være i Danmark i slutningen af maj og fik en smagsprøve på det danske forår, men mere blev det ikke til. Og vi savnede det ikke, mens vi levede i Grønland. Traveture i de danske bøgeskove var erstattet med hundeslædeture udover de store vidder, traveture i fjeldet og sejlads blandt de majestætiske isbjerge, der rejste sig som katedraler over vandoverfladen og kunne skimtes dybt under vandet. Somme tider oplevede man dem i 3 dimensioner, højt over vandt, dybt under vandet og spejlende i vandoverfladen – og måtte gang på gang bryde ud i sangen: „Oh, store Gud, når jeg dit værk beskuer. “ En sang som for os tidligere hørte bøgeskoven og de danske marker til. Nu har vi så igen oplevet et dansk forår – og først da går det op for os, at vi nok alligevel har savnet det. Det er vidunderligt at opleve, hvordan naturen vækkes til live. Det spirer, vintergækker, erantisser, krokuser, tulipaner, påskeliljer og pinseliljer myldrer op af jorden. Anemonerne dukker op og dækker skovbunden som et tæppe. Bøgen springer ud og det grønnes overalt. Fuglestemmerne stemmes til lovsang. Redebygningen går i gang. Livet vækkes til live. Og vi har nydt det i fulde drag og vi har glædet os over Guds skaberværk. Hvor Gud dog er stor! Og det er den samme Gud, der sendte sin søn til frelse for os. Det er den samme Gud, der sendte os Helligånden. I dette forår er det igen den danske natur, der får os til at nynne med på „Oh store Gud. “ Men også J. Helms vidunderlige sang „Jeg elsker de grønne lunde“ dukker op, når vi færdes i naturen i Danmark. Den sang siger bare så meget om vores dejlige fædreland og så slutter den med at sige: „Men end er der sang i skoven, højt bølger det røde flag: end er der en Gud for oven, der råder for Danmarks sag. “ Det er for mig ufatteligt, at det ikke netop er „Jeg elsker de grønne lunde“, der er Danmarks nationalsang.

I Danmark er jeg født ved DRs pigekor
Derfor blev landbrugsstøtten udformet, så den støttede produktionen. Denne krig nedbrød nok den sidste rest af nationale stormagtsdrømme og virkede langt mere lammende end tidligere tab. Derfor blev naturen også et udtryk for hende og omfattet med de samme stærke følelser. Hvem ville nogensinde kalde Danmark »Far Danmark«. Gennem århundreder har danske forfattere, politikere og kulturpersonligheder prist deres fædreland lunde portrætbøger, erindringsbøger og essaysamlinger. Jeg elsker de grønne lunde med tonernes vuggende fald, jeg elsker de blanke sunde med sejlernes tusindtal. Det bliver nok svært at få en signifikant forøgelse af EU-budgettet igennem i den nuværende note, hvorfor landbrugsbudgettet næppe bliver hævet. Sådan starter en sommersang — og omkring 150 år elsker de gr?nne lunde at danske Johannes Helms skrev sangen i 1873, synger EU-Kommissionen med i sit udspil til en ny landbrugspolitik. Han ser de brede sletter og kommer på stranden inden han ender og slutter sangen af i skoven. Men end er der met i skoven, højt bølger det røde flag, end er der en Gud for oven, der råder for Danmarks sag. Jeg elsker de brede Sletter I Sollysets Sommerpragt, I Vinterens Stjærnenætter Bag Snetæppets Juledragt. Jeg elsker hver dal, hver banke, med kornets bølgende flugt, hvor flittige hænder sanke af arbejdets gyldne frugt.

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Grindr search profile name

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The privacy policy of these third party companies applies to their collection, use and disclosure of your information. One of these advertising partners is MoPub that helps Grindr deliver personalized advertising.

Why do you need to be on Grindr? As a result, you should carefully consider whether you want to disclose your HIV status. For your account security, we advise you to never provide your username and password to any third parties claiming to provide a benefit as they are not authorized by Grindr and could potentially have malicious intent. La siguiente tabla brinda ejemplos de los tipos de datos que recopilamos y cómo lo hacemos.

The 5 Kinds Of People You Will Meet On Grindr - No tenemos ningún control sobre otros sitios web o aplicaciones, y tampoco los revisamos ni podemos asumir ninguna responsabilidad al respecto.

Grindr pronounced grind-er is a popular mobile dating app aimed towards gay, bisexual, and bi-curious men. Running on Android, BlackBerry OS, and iOS phones, it uses your device's to locate other users close to you. Whether you're looking for a date, new friend, or your future husband, Grindr helps you find nearby guys to meet. As mentioned above, Grindr is available on , , and. The App Store also requires confirmation that you are at least 17 years old in order to download. Fill in the fields to create your Grindr profile. Users must be at least 18 years old to use the app. You have the option to show or hide your age if you wish. For instance, a young, thin college student may set his tribe as Twink , while a man with more weight and body hair may identify himself as Bear. In your profile, you must not write text that is sexually explicit, profane, racist, threatening, advertising, mentions illegal drugs, or promotes unsafe sexual activity. Upload a display picture. You'll have the option of taking a picture with your camera or upload an existing one from your device gallery. After you've uploaded an image, it will be saved within the app so you can send the same photo to other people without having to re-upload it. Try the tips in. You must not upload images that are pornographic or sexually explicit, advertise a product or service, show off guns or drugs, violate copyright laws, impersonate another user, or if the subject appears under the age of 18. Get to know the orange taskbar. When you have new messages, this icon will change to a number. Use the filter to narrow down the number of guys displayed. Tap the last icon on the taskbar to turn on the filter and adjust the following parameters: photo only, Grindr Tribes, age, height, weight, body type, ethnicity, looking for, and relationship status. Consider purchasing a subscription to Grindr Xtra, the app's premium service. First time users are given a free trial of Xtra for a few weeks. A serious issue is the random dropping of messages. Display common dating site etiquette. If you aren't interested, kindly tell him no or use the block feature. One-word answers are frowned upon all over the internet.

À des fins administratives internes, ainsi que pour administrer ou gérer notre relation avec vous, y compris tout vous communiquer des informations sur votre utilisation des Services Grindr. Juli 2018 in Kraft. We verzamelen Persoonsgegevens over u. It's going to make life more interesting. Si usted elige deshabilitar las cookies, es posible que algunas áreas o características de los servicios de Grindr no funcionen correctamente. Hun gebruik van uw gegevens valt niet onder dit Privacybeleid. In north, we do not use HIV status for advertising purposes and do not share this information with advertisers. I've never been to Japan!.

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S?g sex i dag

❤️ Click here: S?g sex i dag

The muscles of his biceps flexing under her touch making her moan slightly. He helped her open a Facebook account. I knew something was wrong with her. He unbuttons her dress further down and he sees her white laced bra.

Retrieved 10 November 2017. This is the main legal tool used to prosecute foreigners engaging in in Cambodia.

- The same shall apply to a person who commits an indecent act upon a male or female under thirteen years of age.

This article may require to meet Wikipedia's. The specific problem is: formatting within sections Please help if you can. October 2012 The legal for sexual activity varies by jurisdiction across Asia, from age 12 to 21. The specific activity engaged in or the gender of its participants can also be affected by the law. Below is a discussion of the various laws dealing with this subject. The highlighted age refers to an age at or above which an individual can engage in unfettered sexual relations with another who is also at or above that age. Other variables, such as homosexual relations or close in age exceptions, may exist, and are noted when relevant, for example in Indonesia. The below is a list of all jurisdictions in Asia as listed in. Country Age of consent Must be married Armenia 16 Azerbaijan 16 21 14 18 16 15 14 Cyprus 17 14 Egypt 18 Must be married Georgia 16 16 18 18, according to the Child Protection Act Must be married 15 16, involving penetration 13 16 16 15 13 Must be married 16 15 18, must be married 14 16 Must be married 16 14 16 Northern Cyprus 16 Must be married Must be married 12 18 for consensual sex refer to section for details Must be married Russia 16 Must be married 16 16 15, must be married 16 16 15 Turkey 18 16 Must be married 16 16 16 Must be married The age of consent in is 21 regardless of gender or sexual orientation. The penalty of imprisonment exceeding 10 years is the sentence for anyone who has sex with a woman who is over sixteen years but less than twenty one years, with consent. This age of consent applies to women who marry without the permission of their fathers. The age of consent in is 16. Article 2 of this Act determines the offence as follows: Any person who has or attempts to have carnal knowledge of a girl under the age of sixteen 16 years except by way of marriage, shall be guilty of an offence: Penalty, imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than 2 years and not more than 7 years and to whipping not exceeding 24 strokes of the rattan in the case of an adult or 12 strokes of the rattan in the case of a youthful offender. The age of consent in is 15 regardless of gender or sexual orientation. The age of consent in this country is determined by Article 8, of Chapter 4 Debauchery of the Law on Suppression of the Kidnapping, Trafficking, and Exploitation of Human Beings, which has been specifically enacted to prohibit sex with children under 15. This is the main legal tool used to prosecute foreigners engaging in in Cambodia. Article 8 of the 'Law on Suppression of the Kidnapping, Trafficking, and Exploitation of Human Beings' states, Any person who commits acts of debauchery involving a minor below 15 years old, even if there is consent from the concerned minor, or even if the person has bought such minor from someone else or from a pimp, shall be punished by ten 10 to twenty 20 years in prison. In case of repeat offenses, the maximum punishment term shall be applied. In , the age of consent for sexual activity is 14 years, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Chinese law defines statutory rape as having sex with a girl who is less than fourteen years of age. A five-year prison sentence and fine may result if the girl under 14 years of age was acting as a prostitute. On August 2015, the law concerning underage prostitutes was. The Statutory rape law now applies to underage prostitution as well. The age of consent in is 14 regardless of gender or sexual orientation, per Article 177. In the age of consent for sexual activity is 16 regardless of gender or sexual orientation. However, the age of consent for a female receiving anal sex is 21. Hence, a woman who has sexual activity with a boy or a girl under 16 will be prosecuted under this section. The previous position regarding homosexual couples is contained in s. However, this section was struck down as unconstitutional in. Hence, the age of consent between two males have been effectively equalized with that between a male and a female, which is 16. Prior to 2012 there was a presumption that a male minor under 14 could not consent to sexual intercourse under any circumstances. The law was changed after a 13-year-old boy attacked a 5-year-old girl at a hospital ward; the prosecution was unable to convict him of rape, instead only able to do so for indecent assault. In 2015 an 11-year-old boy and a 13-year-old boy were arrested after they were found having sex with an 11-year-old girl. Under the new laws they have the possibility of having the maximum sentence of life in prison. In 1892, the and subsequent death of a 10-year-old girl, , caused the age of consent to be raised from 10 to 12. In 1949, it was raised to 16 after agitation from women groups about the adverse effect of early pregnancy. In 1982, it was again raised to 16. On 3 April 2014 the came into effect which raised the legal permissible age for sexual consent from 16 to 18. Although, the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2013 initially sought to lower the age to 16, it was set at 18 due to political pressure from conservative parties. Sixthly — With or without her consent, when she is under eighteen years of age. Legal action on Marital Rape Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 disallows any such sexual relationships and puts such crimes within marriages as an aggravated offense. A Public Interest Litigation filled by Independent Thought, an organization working on child rights law, was heard in the Supreme Court of India for declaring the exception allowing marital rape within prohibited child marriages as unconstitutional: Independent Thought vs. In the judgment, delivered on October 11, the Supreme Court bench consisting of Justices Madan B. Lokur and Deepak Gupta read down Exception 2 to Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code IPC to hold that sexual intercourse by a man with his own wife if she is below 18 years of age would amount to rape. It was used to prosecute people for having anal or oral sex, although prosecutions are rare. The law was constitutionally challenged at the in 2009 for violating the human rights of sexual minorities. But, after the Delhi High Court declared some parts of the law unconstitutional on the issue, the age of consent for consensual homosexual sex was set at 18. According to the Indonesian Penal Code article 287, the age of consent in is 15 years old. The age of consent is the minimum age at which an individual is considered legally old enough to consent to participation in sexual activity. Individuals aged 14 or younger in Indonesia are not legally able to consent to sexual activity, and such activity may result in prosecution for statutory rape or the equivalent local law. Even though the age of consent is 15 years old, the offender can only be charged and prosecuted if a legal complaint is lodged to the law enforcement. Exception to this law is when the age of the victim is under 12 years old, or under certain circumstances such as bodily injury or incest. However, under the Child Protection Act, the age of consent could be raised to 18. The argument used is that sexual acts with a child could result in bodily and mental injury, while the definition of a child is anyone who is under 18 years old. A reported court verdict using the Child Protection Act was done in 2009 against an Australian national. Sexuality outside marriage is illegal in. The minimum age of marriage in Iran is 18 for men and 15 for women. Ways around these regulations include temporary marriages. With the permission of a court girls may marry at a younger age; during 2010 as many as 42,000 children aged between 10 and 14 were married, and 716 girls younger than 10 had wed. The age of consent in is 18. However, some reporters believe that the draft suggests that there will not be an age of consent. According to the Israeli Penal Code of 1977 the age of consent in is 16 regardless of gender or sexual orientation, for any form of sexual relations involving penetration unless the person above 16 is the one being penetrated - in that case the age of consent is 14. In all cases that don't involve penetration, the age of consent is 14 for both heterosexual and homosexual activities. In Japan, the sets a minimal age of consent of 13 regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Any kind of sexual activity outside marriage is illegal in The age of consent for sex in is 18 for both males and females in regardless of gender or sexual orientation. This penalty shall be for a minimum of five 5 years, if the victim has not attained the age of twelve 12 years. And whoever commits a sexual act with a minor aged more than fifteen 15 years but less than eighteen 18 years, shall be punished by imprisonment for a period varying between 2 months and 2 years. Sex with minors younger than 14 years old is more severely punished 1 to 8 years' imprisonment than with minors aged 14 to 16 years old up to 4 years' imprisonment if the perpetrator abused the minor's inexperience. Anal sex, irrespective of the gender or orientation of the participants male-male, female-female, male-female , has an aggravated punishment 3 to 10 years of jail if practiced with a minor under the age of 14 and up to 4 years if practiced with an older minor. The age of consent for heterosexual sex in is 16 for both sexes as. Malaysian Penal Code Act 574 , Section 375 Rape. Sixthly — With or without her consent, when she is under sixteen years of age. Sexual activity outside marriage is illegal in. The legal age of marriage is 18 for both males and females. As Maldivians follow the Islamic Shariah, girls below the age of 18 can get married with parental consent. Done otherwise, it would be a crime. Engaging in any type of sexual interaction is illegal before marriage. The 1860 Indian Penal Code was also inherited in , making the age of consent 14 there as well. Secondly — Without her consent. Thirdly — With her consent, when her consent has been obtained by putting her in fear of death or hurt. Fourthly — With her consent, when the man knows that he is not her husband, and that her consent is given because she believes that he is another man to whom she is or believes herself to be lawfully married. Fifthly — With or without her consent, when she is under fourteen years. The minimum age for consensual sex is 12 years. Sexual intercourse with a person under the age of 12 is defined as rape, under Chapter 3, Article 266 of the Anti-Rape Law of 1997. The statutory rape law criminalizes sex with minors under age 12 and sex with a child under age 18 involving force, threat, or intimidation. The maximum penalty for child rape is 40 years in prison plus a lifetime bar from political office. As of August the PNP reported 2,750 cases of child rape. In regard to children under the age of 18, as described earlier in the act as an individual under the age of 18, the law reads: Article III, Section 5. Child Prostitution and Other Sexual Abuse. Children, whether male or female, who for money, profit, or any other consideration or due to the coercion or influence of any adult, syndicate or group, indulge in sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct, are deemed to be children exploited in prostitution and other sexual abuse. Any kind of sexual activity outside marriage is illegal. According to the Family Act, the minimum age of marriage is 18 for boys and 16 for girls. The court may allow a marriage below the minimum age, but it requires the consent of the legal guardian as well as the consent of the two persons to be married. This means that all male same-sex sexual activity including mutual masturbation, oral or anal sex is still illegal and the punishment is up to two 2 years jail, based on the. The age of consent in is 13. The age of consent in is 16. However, girls belonging to Sri Lanka's Moor and Malay minorities representing approximately 10% of the national population are allowed to marry after 12 years of age and below the age of 12 with the approval of the religious leader, Moulavi and either father, brother, uncle, grandfather. Any kind of sexual activity outside marriage is illegal in The age of consent in is 18, per Article 491. Every person who has sexual intercourse with a minor under 15 years of age shall be liable to a term of nine years' imprisonment at hard labour. The said term shall be not less than 15 years if the child is under 12 years of age. The age of consent in is 16, as specified in article 141 of the Criminal Code. The penalty is specified as deprivation of freedom for 2 to 5 years. The age of consent in is 15 regardless of gender or sexual orientation, as specified by article 279 of the Thai Criminal Code. The current legislation applies to all regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Also, from the , having sex with an adolescent under 18 is a compoundable offense even with the consent of that person. The parent or the adolescent may file charges against the other side if they later regret their own action. This ostensibly makes the Thai unfettered age of consent 18. A high-profile example of this application of the law was a charge filed against the lead singer of the Thai band for allegedly having had sex with a then 16-year-old girl. The charge was filed by the girl after the singer refused to take responsibility for her baby. The singer has since been cleared of being the baby's father due to the results of a and he received 2 years. The age of consent in is 16 for heterosexual males oral sex for homosexual males and both lesbian and heterosexual females. Only male homosexual anal intercourse is punishable with imprisonment for up to three years called Besoqolbozlik. Sexual relations with a person under sixteen 16 years of age, Clause 128 of the Criminal Code: 1 A sexual relation or satisfaction of sex requirements in the unnatural form with a person who was obviously less than sixteen 16 years old, shall be punished by corrective labour measures for up to two 2 years or by the arrest up to six 6 months, or with imprisonment for up to three 3 years. The Penal Code and several news sources indicate that the age of consent in Vietnam is 16 regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Several other sources indicate that the age of consent is 18. In 2009, this article was amended to remove capital punishment. Article 112 Those who rape children aged between full 13 years and under 16 years shall be sentenced to between seven and fifteen years of imprisonment. Committing rape against a juvenile aged between full 16 and under 18 years old, the offenders shall be sentenced to between five and ten years of imprisonment. Those who rape children aged between full 13 years and under 16 years shall be sentenced to between seven and fifteen years of imprisonment. Those who employ trickery to induce persons dependent on them or persons being in dire straits to have sexual intercourse with them against their will shall be sentenced to between six months and five years of imprisonment. Those who have forcible sexual intercourse with children aged from full 13 years to under 16 years shall be sentenced to between five and ten years of imprisonment. Any kind of sexual activity outside marriage is illegal in. Until recently, Yemeni law set the age of consent at 15. But tribal customs often trump the law. In April 2008, the case of , a 10-year-old girl who successfully obtained a divorce, sparked headlines around the world, and prompted calls to raise the legal age for marriage to 18. Later in 2008, the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood proposed to define the minimum age for marriage at 18 years. The law was passed in April 2009, but dropped the following day following maneuvers by opposing parliamentarians. Negotiations to pass the legislation continue. In September 2013, an 8-year-old girl died due to internal injuries caused by sexual intercourse with a 40-year-old man, after their arranged wedding. Archived from on 26 October 2008. Retrieved 11 April 2012. Archived from on 1 August 2013. Retrieved 11 April 2012. Retrieved 7 March 2013. Retrieved on January 14, 2016. Retrieved 7 March 2013. Archived from PDF on 6 July 2011. Archived from PDF on 2008-02-29. Retrieved 11 April 2012. Retrieved 11 April 2012. Archived from on 18 January 2011. Retrieved 11 April 2012. Retrieved 11 April 2012. The San Francisco Chronicle. Archived from on 25 April 2015. Retrieved 11 April 2012. Last updated March 16, 2015. Retrieved on April 25, 2015. Retrieved 17 January 2017. Retrieved 2 March 2010. Retrieved 6 July 2017. Retrieved 2 March 2010. Retrieved 2 March 2010. Retrieved 2 March 2010. Saturday 22 August 2015. Retrieved on 22 August 2015. Retrieved 23 February 2014. Retrieved 23 February 2014. Retrieved 23 February 2014. PDF from the original on 19 December 2016. Retrieved 11 April 2012. Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana. Law of The Republic Of Indonesia Number 35 Year 2014 Concerning Amendment To Law Number 23 Year 2002 Regarding Child Protection. The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 21 February 2016. Retrieved 21 February 2016. Library of Congress, Federal Research Division. Retrieved 11 April 2012. Archived from PDF on 21 October 2012. Forcible Indecency - 'A person who, through assault or intimidation, forcibly commits an indecent act upon a male or female of not less than thirteen years of age shall be punished by imprisonment with work for not less than 6 months but not more than 10 years. The same shall apply to a person who commits an indecent act upon a male or female under thirteen years of age. The same shall apply to a person who commits sexual intercourse with a female under thirteen years of age. Committee on the Rights of the Child. Archived from on 2015-10-31. Retrieved 11 April 2012. Retrieved 16 June 2018. Lonely Planet Guide to Laos, p. Retrieved 11 April 2012. Archived from on 24 March 2012. Retrieved 11 April 2012. Retrieved 13 December 2016. PDF from the original on 29 May 2016. Retrieved 16 June 2018. Retrieved 11 April 2012. Archived from PDF on 16 May 2016. Retrieved 11 April 2012. Retrieved 10 June 2015. Retrieved September 29, 2018. Retrieved 11 November 2017. Social Media Exchange Association. Retrieved 10 November 2017. Chan Robles Law Library. Retrieved 11 April 2012. Rape is committed by a man who shall have carnal knowledge of a woman under any of the following circumstances: through force, threat, or intimidation; when the offended party is deprived of reason or otherwise unconscious; by means of fraudulent machination or grave abuse of authority; and when the offended party is under twelve 12 years of age or is demented, even though none of the circumstances mentioned above be present. Archived from on 23 February 2004. Retrieved 11 April 2012. Archived from on 20 September 2015. Archived from on 11 March 2012. Retrieved 11 April 2012. Archived from on 11 March 2012. Retrieved 11 April 2012. Retrieved 11 April 2012. Archived from on 12 June 2009. Retrieved 11 April 2012. Retrieved 11 April 2012. Retrieved 16 June 2018. ILGA, The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association. Retrieved 1 February 2017. The Supreme Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Retrieved 16 June 2018. Retrieved 3 February 2016. Retrieved 3 February 2016. Retrieved 27 January 2016. Retrieved 27 January 2016. Archived from on 26 April 2013. Retrieved 11 April 2012. Retrieved 11 April 2012. Archived from on 26 April 2013. Retrieved 11 April 2012. Retrieved 16 February 2010. Retrieved 10 September 2013.

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